Sunday, December 13, 2009

Writeables in Valls, Spain

My bags are being sold in a great store from a photographer in Spain, here is the website:

In these pictures you can see my bags in the store:

So if you are ever in the neighbourhood of Tarragona, please go in and take a look!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Nieuwe beschrijfbare boodschappentassen!

Ik ben de afgelopen week druk in de weer geweest en ik heb een paar mooie nieuwe tassen gemaakt.

Ik was al heel lang op zoek naar een felrode canvas stof en die heb ik nu gevonden!

Ik heb ook iets nieuws geprobeerd, dat kun je zien bij deze tas. Deze heeft een gekleurd frame en gekleurde handvatten. Dat ga ik zeker vaker proberen!

Hier nog wat foto's waarop het proces van tassen maken te zien is!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Het duurde erg lang om deze tas te maken, maar ik denk dat het het waard was!

my new watch, made by me!

Look I've made a watch! The wristband of my watch broke, so I had to get another. However, recently I learned how to make lampwork beads, I attatched these to the leftovers of my watch. I am really pleased with the result. The pictures don't show the very bright colours enough I think, because in reality, it looks even better!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Het allereeste Forum over de vraag waar ik vaak mee geworsteld heb: Hoe maak ik zelf een tas?
Stel je vragen, laat je tassen zien, geef tips etc!
Veel plezier ermee!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


My sister and I went to Málaga last week. In Málaga we stayed in a beautiful apartment near the beach, the city center was also close. We had a great weak, it was perfect that we were there because I had to send a package to someone in Spain, more about that will come in september. Málagaitself is a beautiful city with a lot of culture. We visited places like the Alcázaba, the picasso museum, the museum of modern art and the cathedral. Here are a few pictures:

We got popcorn instead of the "usual" bread before dinner, mmmm nice!

This is the cathedral, it's huge! I really recommend Málaga to everyone, especially if you like culture and art.

Friday, July 10, 2009

my new leather bag!

I just want to show you the pictures of this leather bag I made. It is the second time I worked with leather, and I was very anxious that my sewing machine wouldn't take it, but as long as I didn't use more than three layers, it was fine.

I always take too much stuff with me, almost too much to fit in my bag. The result of that is that my bags always break. This time I wanted to make a bag that was big and strong enough. For this bag I used a really dark shade of grey. The big rings for the handles are actually showercurtain rings. The long shoulder handle can be unattached and attached again.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Koninginnedag 2009 schagen beschrijfbare tassen


Ik heb afgelopen koninginnedag op de markt gestaan met mijn "writeables". Hier zijn nog wat foto's:Kijk, dit ben ik met de tassen.

We moesten erg vroeg op, gelukkig (voor mij) ging mijn zusje Sara ook mee (niet zo gelukkig voor haar)...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

my first blog ever!

Hello everyone!
This is the first blog I've ever made, and I don't really know how it works, but I'll do my best.
I've started this blog so I can show everyone what I'm working on and what interests me. I would also like to show you a lot of pictures.
Anyway, I make bags and other things and sometimes I sell them on etsy:! If you have questions about making bags, you can ask them and I'll try to answer them, and I hope that if I have a question, you'll help me with that!

I'm from holland and I will also blog in dutch, I hope you don't mind, but if you want to know what I was saying if you don't understand, you can always ask, or take a dutch language class :)